Determinants of long acting reversible contraceptive utilisation among reproductive age women at Balaka district hospital

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Kamuzu University of Health Sciences
Type of Study This will be a facility-based quantitative cross-sectional study whose purpose is to assess utilisation of long acting reversible contraceptives and associated factors among women of reproductive age at Balaka district hospital. The Problem Balaka district has a fertility rate of 4.6 higher than the national fertility rate of 4.4. Additionally, the population growth rate for Balaka district is at 3.2% per annum higher than national 2.9% per annum. Malawi population is growing rapidly and it is stated that if left uncontrolled, the population is expected to reach 45 million by 2050. Consequently, the government of Malawi through Ministry of Health is promoting utilisation of long acting reversible contraceptive methods (implants and intrauterine device) which are highly effective and have less discontinuation rate in order to combat the overgrowing population. However, the utilisation of long acting reversible contraceptives is lower (16.9%) in Balaka district as compared to national utilisation at 21.7%. The utilisation of long acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) methods in Malawi is also lower as compared to sub-Sahara Africa at 36%. Nevertheless, there is limited literature on factors associated with utilisation of long acting reversible contraceptives among women of reproductive age in Malawi. Hence, the need for this study. Broad Objective The purpose of this study is to assess utilisation of long acting reversible contraceptives and associated factors among women of reproductive age at Balaka district hospital. Specific Objectives i. To determine the prevalence of LARC utilisation among women of reproductive age accessing FP services at Balaka district hospital. ii. To assess the sociocultural factors associated with utilisation of LARC among women of reproductive age accessing FP services at Balaka district hospital. iii. To analyse the health-system-related factors associated with utilisation of LARC among women of reproductive age accessing FP services at Balaka district hospital. Methodology The study population will be all women of reproductive age group (15–45 years old) accessing contraceptives methods at Balaka district hospital at the time of the study. The sample size for this study will be 216 and it has been calculated using Cochran formula (n= z2pq/d2). The study participants will be selected using a systematic random sampling technique with an interval of 6. The data will be collected through face-to-face interviews using a structured questionnaire. Data will be analysed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 22 and logistic regression will be carried out to identify factors associated with LARC utilisation. Ethical approval will be obtained from College of Medicine research and ethics committee (COMREC). The institutional clearance was requested from the Director of health and social services for Balaka district hospital and permission has been granted. Expected Findings The study will document the prevalence of long acting reversible contraceptive utilisation and its associated factors among women of reproductive age accessing family planning services at Balaka district hospital. The results of this study well help to close the knowledge gap that exists on factors associated with LARC utilisation among women of reproductive age in Balaka district and national at large. The results will also serve as baseline data for policy makers, programme managers and decision makers to design and focus on suitable interventions that promote utilisation of LARC. Dissemination of Results The result of this study will be presented to Kamuzu University of Health Sciences, College of Medicine Research and Ethics Committee (COMREC) and Ministry of Health (Directorate of reproductive health) through Balaka District Health Office from where the data will be collected. The study finding will be published in a reputable peer reviewed journals and presented at the conference.
Determinants of long acting reversible contraceptive utilisation